Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download
Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download

Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download

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Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download

CTRL +ALT+Left Click Defend The unit will guard the area, unit, structure. CTRL+ F9-F12 Bookmark Bookmark a location on the map. ALT + Left Click Run over If you press ALT and left click on a crushable unit your tanks will run over it. Useful for destroying trees or units infected with terror drones. CTRL + Left Click Force attack Force units to fire at target. Ctrl+Shift+ Left Click Attack move Units move to the selected position and attack any units they encounter along the way.

Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download

Spacebar Go to action Go to action on radar or beacon placed. B key Beacon Enables you to place down a beacon. M key Previous unit Selects previously selected unit. C key Cheer All units cheer CTRL+ 1-9 Create team Selecting a group of units and pressing CTRL + 1 will place them in group 1. P key Select all units U key ? See all units with the same health. Q key Structure tab W key Armory tab E key Infantry tab R key Unit tab F key Follow When a unit is selected pressing F will place camera on top of that unit and follow the unit if it moves. L key Sell mode Enables you to sell buildings. D key Deploy Deploy selected unit (if applicable) K key Repair mode Enables you to repair buildings. Y key Select Elite When a group of units is selected press once to select elite, twice for veteran and three times for regular units. G key Guard The unit will guard the vicinity. X key Scatter When a unit or a group of units is selected pressing X will scatter them around the vicinity. Realease the Z key and unit will follow that way point. Z key Way point mode When a unit is selected hold Z and click with the left mouse button to create way points. H key Show primary bas Pressing H will move your view to your primary base (MCV). TT key Unit type select Selecting one unit and pressing T will select all the same type of units on the map. Key Command Description Tab Diplomacy menu Option Menu, Ally or Declare a War with other players T Key Unit type select Selecting one unit and pressing T will select all the same type of units that you see one your screen.

Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge New Units Download